Acute injuriesAcute injuries that can be treated with laser therapy
include sprains, pulled muscles, damage to
ligaments, bumps, and bruises.
Acute injuries2024-08-12T13:13:05+02:00

Acute injuries

Acute injuries that can be treated with laser therapy include sprains, pulled muscles, damage to ligaments, bumps, and bruises.


Blisters can be quite painful, if not treated. Blisters are pockets of fluid that can occur in different places on the body depending on how they are generated. They can occur from too much mechanical friction or pressure on [...]


A sprain occurs when you damage a ligament or other soft parts surrounding a joint. Sprains can vary greatly in severity from simple sprains to severe ligament damage. Signs of a sprain are oedema, pain and difficulty moving the [...]

Pulled muscle

Pulled muscles occur when one or more muscle fibers in a muscle are torn. The injury results in swelling (oedema) and sharp pain. If the muscle has been completely ruptured, you will not be able to move the damaged [...]

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